Growing Responsibly

Business Reponsibility And Sustainability

HOEC is committed to treading on its path of steady and consistent growth, but while exercising a strategy that allows it to do so responsibly.
HOEC holds itself accountable to adhering to the highest health, safety and environmental standards, and strives to create positive impact, both from an environmental and societal standpoint.
HOEC aims to execute its Sustainability Strategy through

Adherence to

Emphasis on
emission control

Efficient land

Adoption of
planning practices

Efficient waste

Strict environmental

response planning

Quantitative and
impact assessment

Risk assessment
studies & effective
risk management

Managing Our Impact

“We always endeavour to work in harmony with the surrounding environment”
Protecting an Elephant Corridor in Assam
At Dirok, the initially proposed pipeline from GGS to HMGPP was passing through the Golai-Powai Elephant Corridor near Golai village, and the corridor was also located in proximity to the proposed HMGPP locations.
In order to protect the elephant corridor, HOEC identified alternatives to the HMGPP’s location and laid the 21 km long pipeline, 1.5 metres below the ground to minimize footprint in the eco-sensitive zone
Adopting the modular approach for the HMGPP reduced the noise pollution and land utilization to a larger extent while also enabling swift site restoration where required.
Every conscious effort is constantly made by HOEC to minimize the disturbance caused to the surrounding tea garden, forestland or wildlife.
Minimizing the use of diesel generators in site operations
All HOEC’s operating blocks use natural gas generators for their in-house power requirements and utilize their diesel generators only in emergency situations. All generators are placed within acoustic enclosures and are regularly maintained and attended to at the first sign of wear and tear in order to reduce noise levels and restrict the amount of harmful air emissions.
HOEC aims to eventually phase out diesel generators and constantly evaluates clean alternatives to its existing processes. Options like biogas and solar energy are being explored and their viability in meeting operational requirements is under assessment in order to take a step forward in becoming an emission-free organization. The company has initiated efforts towards NET ZERO and GHG emission reduction area.
Post-development, 3D seismic data has been reinterpreted using new well and production data, highlighting the necessity for a Phase-II development which aims to further tap into the field’s potential, targeting deeper sands. This expansion is set to establish the prospectivity of the northern Dirok area, solidifying the JV’s commitment to enhancing production and ensuring sustainable energy delivery.
We Say ‘NO’ To Single Use Plastics

At HOEC, we endeavour to make all our operating sites and offices plastic-free zones. As a first step, single use plastics are completely banned on all our premises. We will continuously work to find innovative ways to replace all kinds of plastic in the long run. We also actively advocate for the use of bamboo, especially bamboo from Assam.
